Rebecca & Steve at Beech Tree Cottages

Rebecca and Steve were surrounded by the love of their family and friends at the Beech Tree Cottages in Madison, Connecticut. Their celebration began days before as family and friends from all over the globe began gathering at the cottages. On their wedding day, they prepared in the sweet little cottages followed by a first look. Their beautifully personal ceremony beneath the towering pines was officiated by friends and their walk down the aisle was pure joy! The celebration quickly moved to the various tents set up for cocktails and dinner. Dinner at Beech Tree Cottages was from their amazing CT's Roadside BBQ food truck! Congratulations Rebecca & Steve!

 #summerwedding #bridalbouquet #rogersphotography #rogersphoto #ctweddings #firstlook #tuxedo #boutineer #bridalgown #bridalparty #weddingrings #weddinginthepines #beechtreecottages #ctroadsidebbq #ctbride #tentwedding #ctweddingphotography

Rogers Photography
371 Tanner Marsh Rd, Guilford, CT


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